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Gautier High School

Students » Exemption Policy

Exemption Policy


Examinations in secondary schools are administered at the end of each term. Students must take examinations at the regularly scheduled time. Any exception must be approved in advance by the principal. Request for exceptions must be made by the parent/guardian coming to the school for a conference with the principal. Only in emergency situations will exceptions be made. 

Secondary School (7-12) Exemptions:

Secondary students (7-12) who maintain high academic achievement, good attendance, and proper conduct will be exempt from the exams.
Secondary students (7-12) who are eligible for exemptions may choose to take their exams to try and improve their grade.
High School (9-12) End of Course Exemptions/Middle School (7-8) semester exemptions.
To be eligible for exemption, students must meet the following criteria:

1. Any high school student (9-12) who has no more than four (4) unexcused absences per full credit class or two (2) unexcused absences per half credit class and who has an “A” average in a subject, will be exempt from taking his/her end of course examination in that subject provided he has no record of misconduct in the principal’s office.

2. Any high school student (9-12) who has no more than two (2) unexcused absences per full credit class or one (1) unexcused absence per half credit class and who has a “B” average in a subject, will be exempt from taking his end of course examination in that subject provided he has no record of misconduct in the principal’s office.

3. Any high school student (9-12) who has no more than one (1) unexcused absence per full credit class or no (0) absences per half credit class and who has a 75 average in a subject will be exempt from taking his end of course examination in that subject provided he has no record of misconduct in the principal’s office.

1. Office referrals, truancy, in-school suspension, and out-of-school suspension are all considered misconduct.

2. Seniors may use two (2) days for official college visits that will not count as absences. The principal has the authority to approve increasing that number for any student being actively recruited by a college/university for academic, athletic, or leadership scholarships.

Advanced Placement Exam Exemption:

Students currently enrolled in Advanced Placement classes who take the AP exam are exempt from the final exam for the class. 
Students who are failing the class or who have exceeded their absences are excluded from being exempt. This exemption policy for AP
courses is separate from the exam exemption policies for secondary students (7-12), and only the above rules will apply for AP exemptions.