Planning for Graduation
Graduation Information
Mississippi students have the opportunity to make their high school diploma more valuable. All 9th graders choose whether they want to work toward a Traditional Diploma, or take additional classes to earn an academic, distinguished academic or career and technical education endorsement.
For additional questions and support, please contact your school counselor.
Grade 9
- Check with your school counselor to make sure your courses fit the program you wish to follow throughout high school.
- Develop a personal portfolio.
- Explore and analyze your interests.
- Establish personal goals or focus.
- Research career choices and their educational requirements.
- Develop good study habits and computer skills.
- Participate in a varied program of extracurricular activities.
- Investigate job shadowing or work based experience.
- Visit the College and Career Resource Center at your school.
Grade 10
- Review your high school course of study with your school counselor to make sure courses you are taking will meet your goals.
- Take the PSAT (Preliminary Scholastic Assessment Test) in October if you are planning to attend college.
- Become knowledgeable of college admission requirements and time lines.
- If you plan to attend a state university, be sure to take at least two credits in the same foreign language. Some colleges/universities require three or more years of the same foreign language.
- Consult your school counselor or college/career facilitator to learn of any scholarships available to sophomores.
- Attend a College and Career Expo.
Grade 11
- Take the PSAT in October for National Merit Scholarship competition.
- Review your course of study with your school counselor to make sure courses you are taking will meet requirements for your future plans.
- Attend meetings with college representatives at your high school.
- Take the ACT and/or SAT in the spring if you plan to go to college.
- Explore the availability of scholarships, loans, grants, work study, and other financial aid if you plan to continue education beyond high school.
- Become knowledgeable of admission requirements and time lines.
- Visit the College and Career Resource Center in your high school.
- Consider taking Advanced Placement (AP) or Dual Enrollment courses.
- Send for a pre-candidate questionnaire beginning January 31 if you are interested in any of the Service Academies.
Grade 12
- Meet with your school counselor to make sure courses you are taking are the courses needed to meet your goals.
- Take the SAT and /or ACT early in the fall if you have not yet done so, or if you wish to retake the tests. Determine if the CPT or SAT II subject area tests are needed.
- Visit the College/Career Resource Center at your school.
- Check frequently with your school counselor or College/Career Facilitator for scholarship information and arrange to do scholarship searches.
- Visit web sites for post secondary institutions of interest.
- Develop a resume to give to those from whom you request a letter of recommendations.
- Submit the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) as soon as possible after January 1 if you wish to apply for financial aid.
- Meet all deadlines! Remember, “deadline” means to be received by the close of business on that particular day unless the phrase “postmarked by” precedes date.
- If you are taking AP or Dual Enrollment courses, check prospective colleges’ policies regarding Advanced Placement coursework.